Well. Bye bye jeep. I love you even though you blew up on 288 at night. I guess it wasn't your fault.. it was like watching them towaway my best friend..
Christmas is 41 days away!! What deos everyone want as their gift? i'm not kidding... this is my favorite part of christmas. Other than the christmas eve service at WEAG, my favorite part of christmas is giving gifts to my friends and putting a smile on peoples faces. And christmas caroling... and feeding the homeless.. and having pastor hershamn pray over my family. I just can't wait to feel the warmth and love that these holidays bring.. I'm so excited!
hot coffee, lattes, hot chocolate! yum..
Who else is excited?!
Isn't he cute? I want one...
ps.. wouldn't that be a cute tattoo? maybe? :)
it's so beautiful.
and fourth, i'm so glad i got to hang out with my dad today. i got alot of anger & frustration out.. and my mood feels alot lighter. i love him. and he took me shopping.. so that might have helped a little too. thanks for being my best friend allen.
inppropriate? too bad :)
(i have WAY to much animal print on my bed. obnoxious)
i really really love my best friend. like honestly, i could never ask for anyone better.
and we made new friends... ahaghhaha
but now monday is over and i am ready for tuesday! except i have my least favorite classes tomorrow. please praaay.
i just wanna be 5 again. so much easier.
well, i hope everyone had a good day :)
these are my friends lindsey and lori. we were attached at the hip until sunday night.