so last night's youth group has been the best it's been in a long long while. the 1822 band led amazing worship, and i seriously could have just stood there and listened and been completely satisfied. but i sang along, they did 2 of my favorite songs, which was awesome. great prayer and lesson, thanks stephen. you da bestt. anyway, it was great. and i got to see friends i havent seen in a long time. i was really hyper after youth group, so me and jessi went and got ice cream. yes. in the snow. it was awesome. for anyone who doesn't know, jessica butz is my absolute best friend. just throwin that out there :) on the way home, we had some Jesus talk, which led to boy talk, which led to What Jesus wants me to do with this boy talk... that was the best. I had a complete realization last night during Stephen's sermon, and I can't really explain it.. but I feel 110% better about my sitchiiation. <- WHat kinda word is that.
WELL i had to go back to school today, Ew. And i should be doing homework right now... but look where I ended up. Tehe.
Hey everyone, listen to this song "Forever and Almost Always" by Kate Voegele. Then you shall understand how my lifes been for like the past 2 years :)